Cashew nuts are rich in calories and considered as most caloric nuts among other nuts. Many people think cashews and other nuts are the worst things to add in a healthy diet because of high fat. But you don’t need to worry because most of the high fat in cashews are healthy fats. These nuts are a good addition to your healthy diet.

Cashew nuts are healthy nuts. Cashews contain nutrients, minerals, anti-cancer agents, vitamins, and phytosterols. Eating a handful of cashews daily can lower the risk of coronary illness. A handful of cashews are a healthy snack.

Cashews contain a higher amount of zinc, iron, and copper than some other tree nuts. They are second-most nut which contains magnesium. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), one-ounce cashews contain 33% of copper, 18% of magnesium, and 11% of manganese.

These natural supplements are helpful to produce energy, build solid bones, and boost immunity.

Tree nuts including cashews can also create some hypersensitivity. Nut hypersensitivities are not treatable and you generally experience forever. These hypersensitivities can be from moderate to critical responses. In case you are allergic to tree nut, you need to avoid eating cashew nuts.

Have you ever noted why cashews are sold without their shell? have you ever seen cashews with their shell? I think the answer is no. Cashew nuts sold without their shell because they contain toxic fluid. This toxic fluid can cause a hypersensitivity reaction to the skin.

You don’t need to worry, cashew nuts without their shell do not contain this toxic oil. The only thing you need to keep in mind is that always buy from reputable store and brand.

Cashew Nuts Calories

Cashews are rich in calories. There are 163 calories in one-ounce cashew nuts. When you add cashews in your eating plan keep an eye on the number of cashews. One ounce means around 18 cashews.

A daily serving of nuts can be beneficial for you and can provide many health advantages. You need to control the intake values to limit the calories. Extra calories put you at risk of weight gain. Don’t grab bunches of nuts in your mouth without monitoring the amount you eat.

It just takes 3,500 extra calories to pick up a pound. In case you eat 2 ounces of cashews you will pick up a pound in eleven days.

Cashew Nuts Calories from Fat

Normally all out calories are considered the primary concern for weight gain. But the quantity of calories from fat is another thing you need to consider for your health.

One ounce of cashews has 13g of complete fat, which is equal to 117 calories. If we talk about a  2,000 calories daily diet, a serving of cashews is around 6% of the suggested fat admission. The Institute of Medicine prescribes getting 20 to 35% of your all-out daily calories from fat. That is a great deal of fat for a little measure of nourishment, so ensure to add this amount in your daily plan.

Cashews basically contain healthy unsaturated fats. There is no cholesterol in cashew nuts. 60 % of the fat in cashews is monounsaturated fat (MUFAs) and 17 % is polyunsaturated fat (PUFAs). Monounsaturated fat helps to bring down cholesterol values.

MUFAs or Monounsaturated fat also reduce the values of low-density lipoproteins. Low-density lipoproteins are known as bad cholesterol (LDL). Monounsaturated fats provide another advantage, they can increase high-density lipoproteins. High-density lipoproteins are known as good cholesterol (HDL).

High-density lipoproteins transport unwanted fats to the liver. The liver than wipe out these unwanted fats from the body.

Cashew Nuts Calories from Carbohydrates

Cashews contain 9g of carbohydrates in a one-ounce serving. This amount is significant and more than the recommended amount which is 3%.

Most tree nuts do not have a glycemic index (GI) value, which means they don’t influence glucose. Cashews have a glycemic index (GI) of 22. That is a reason these nuts are considered best nuts to control glucose levels in the body. You must check the glycemic index (GI) of food items you are going to add in your daily diet. The medium range of glycemic index (GI) of any food is 56 to 69.

Cashews contain a little amount of dietary fiber, which is 1g in one ounce or 4%RDA. There is around 1g of common sugar, which converts into calories of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are complex sugar content which raise blood glucose levels.

Cashew nuts contain a rich and creamy taste. Cashews contain many healthy nutrients, minerals, and vitamins. You can add them to any kind of eating plan to get all health advantages.

According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), one ounce of dry-roasted cashew nuts (16-18 nuts) provides 160 calories and 13g of fat.

The majority of the fat in cashew nuts is monounsaturated fat. One ounce cashews contain 4g of protein, 1 gram of dietary fiber, and 45mg of Phytosterols.

What nutritionists and scientists prove about the cashew nuts calories?

Cashew nuts are healthy and caloric nuts they provide many health benefits. According to a study published in the “Universal magazine of Obesity” in 2001, nutritionists at the Harvard School of the Public Health Brigham and Women’s Hospital found that caloric food included nuts like cashews could help to get fit.

Another study published in the “Magazines of the American Medical Association” in 2002, proved that ladies who ate nuts have 30% fewer chances of diabetes than ladies who didn’t eat nuts.

According to the DASH diet rule (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension), you can add 4 to 5 cashew nuts in your daily meals. This amount of nuts cannot create any hypersensitivities.

Cashews are rich in fat as well as calories, eating in large quantity is not good for any healthy eating plan. Limit your intake to a handful of cashews. Sometimes you may face cashew hypersensitivities. If you feel rashes on skin or problem breathing stop eating cashews and consult with your physician.

How cashews look and grow?

Cashew nuts grow on the base of cashew apples. The cashew apple is an organic fruit that grows on cashew trees. These cashew apples are also edible and local people use them to produce juice, jam, and others. Cashews provide many health benefits including a strong immune system.

Raw unsalted cashews are used by many vegan lovers. Cashews are also used in baking and cooking. Cashew nuts are available in different types like salted, unslated, roasted, raw, and flavored. Roasted and salted cashews are crunchier than raw cashews but can increase your sodium levels.

Note: Always use raw or roasted cashews to limit your sodium intake.

Cashew Nuts Calories & Nutritional Facts

One ounce serving of raw cashews (16-18 whole cashews) contains 157 calories and these nutritional values;



























These values are based on a 2000 calorie diet. Cashews contain low fibers and high sugar. These nuts contain nutrients, minerals, and anti-cancer agents.

Cashews also contain many vitamins including vitamin-K,  vitamin-E, and vitamin-B-6. Cashew nuts are a natural source of minerals like copper, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, and selenium.

These all nutrients, minerals, and vitamins are essential for a healthy human. If you are eating cashews that’s good, but if you are not eating them start eating now to be fit and healthy.

What are the health benefits of eating cashew nuts?

As I mentioned before cashews provide many health benefits. Some of the common benefits are;

Cashews Improve Heart Health

According to studies, eating nuts included cashews can lower the risk of cardiovascular problems. Cashew nuts help to decrease the low-density lipoproteins (LDL) and increase the high-density lipoproteins (HDL).

Few vitamins like vitamin-E, vitamin-B-6, potassium, and folic acid also assist to fight heart disease.

Cashews Improve Blood Flow

The iron and copper in cashews cooperate to enable the body to produce and use red blood cells (Platelets). Iron and copper also keeps bones, veins, nerves, and the immune system healthy.

Cashews Improve Eye Health

We have all heard that carrots are useful for your eyes, yet it may come as an unexpected that cashews seem to be, as well. Cashews contain lutein and zeaxanthin. These both are anti-cancer agents and also beneficial for human eye health. When you eat daily these both provide a shield to your eyes from age-related demodulation. Age-related demodulation is a disease that can prompt visual impairment in old people. Eating cashew nuts is also beneficial to reduce the risk of cataracts.


According to Harvard Investigations, daily cashew intake provides a shield to heart, diabetes, cancer, and many other ailments. Can cashews lower the diabetes risk? Cashews and other nuts can assist to control type-2 diabetes.

Cashews contain a ton of fat. But you don’t need to worry most of these fats are healthy fats. Healthy fats are good to prevent coronary illness and decrease the danger of stroke.

These healthy fats are called monounsaturated fats. Cashews fat additionally encourages to feel full for a long time which helps to achieve the goal of weight loss. Cashews are a powerhouse of nutrients, minerals, and other supplements.

Cashew nuts contain high protein and fiber. Eating nuts like cashews provide a shield against cancer growth, support heart health, and weight management. Are you still looking for the answer to “are cashew good for you?” Yes, cashews are beneficial for you and help to promote your health.